Saturday, October 29, 2005

GPS Navigation

Well it was a fine day for bottin'! I took the bot out with its new correctly GPS goal and let it rip. It even sorta drove vaguely in the correct direction. However, it did a lot of loop'd'loops and meandering too. I tried speeding up the rate at which I request data from the GPS and the rate at which I controlled the motors but it didn't really seem to help. I haven't been through the logs thoroughly but I suspect that what I'm going to find is the actual content of the GPS messages are not changing very quickly at all. Maybe once every 5 seconds. That is to slow to directly control the robot. I think I will now have to add in a dead reckoning component. I should start thinking about the general mechanism to navigate before I do however. I'd like to avoid writing a big program that has to be trashed because its not architected well enough.

All in all however, I am very pleased to have seen the robot drive around and at least attempt to reach its goal. The fact that the GPS is likely too slow to directly control the robot is a decent experimental result for today. Its is not some technical failing of mine.

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