This is the current state of my new mini-sumo bot. Uno, poor thing, had quite a bad time of it at the November contests. He was shorting out and rebooting when I pressed the start-of-match button. Bad, bad, bad. So Uno is retired though I may rework him in an attempt to rejuvienate him. Nonetheless, work has begun on Matador! I bought pieces of the Mark III mini-sumo kit to get me up and going pretty quickly becuase I wanted to spend most of my time on the maze bot. However, I bought the extra high torque servos that the jujun.org store offers. The store says I'll be 4mm too wide with these servos but I've partially drilled out the wheels and I think I've gotten that space back. I'm within half a mm of the 100mm limit in anycase. I need to get the offical bounding box from the club and see if I can cram him in. As you can see I have an OOPIC II atop the bot. Eddie Wright dontated it. (That Eddie is a nice guy, eh?) Anyway, I'll see if I can't whip up an algorithm a bit more complex than Uno's spin, detect, charge algorithm. Finally, I'm using the standard line detectors and have yet to make a decision on the opponent sensors.
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