Minor update. I've screwed a nice big chipset heatsink onto my 7805. It just gets warm now instead of scalding hot. :) Also got my reversed sensor cables to the MPU fixed. I have calibrated the senstivity for my apartment and am getting good individual detection from each sensor with no light shield. I'm sure perfromance will degrade under flouresents but I can deal with that later. Finally I fab'ed a cable between my MPU and H-Bridge. Just have to connect the motors to the H-Bridge and the wiring on this bot is DONE! I will sure be cool to see it try to follow a line for the very first time. I wish it didn't take me the million years it did to get the bot this far along though. Hopefully some experiance and the BDO facilities will help overcome my various barriers. Anyway, tommorrow its off to Atlanta for two days so no bot stuff. However my gf and I decided to take this weekend easy since last weekend was so crazy. Hopefully I'll get to fire up the bot under its own power this weekend!!

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