Has it been so long since I've posted? Amazing.
I'm back from RoboGames (long since, actually). It was a blast! So many pictures. I've been so busy with work and trying to organized my own little robot competition that I have neglected my duties here. I won two bronzes at RoboGames 2007. One for Robo-One Wrestling and one for Robo-One demonstration.
I had the opportunity to give Dave Calkins one of our medals in thanks for his inspiration to build our medals in the first place. I hung out with the Robo-One guys quite a bit and even convinced Matt Bauer, a particularly good Robo-One Builder, to come to Fall Chibotica. I'm really going to enjoy going back in 2008! We had four Chibots members there this time! My hope is to go as Team Chibots in 2008. That would be the bomb!