Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Serial Digital Medal Design

So I mentioned before that, to reduce cost and pin count, we were changing the digital medal design over to some serial driver chips. I'd like to talk about the new design a little.

The big cost saver is the ability to use the ATtiny45 (2.13USD Qty: 1) instead of the ATmega32 (8.28USD Qty: 1). Previously, the driver chips that we were using were really just gangs of transistors. Each transistor had an input and output pin. Hence the MCU pin count requirement to operate the chips was high and forced us to the ATmega32.

After some searching our members came up with transistor arrays that, instead of individual transistor inputs feature a clocked serial data input line that feeds into a shift register and a strobe line that latches the shift register bits up to the (now internal) transistor inputs. Additionally the chips feature a serial data out line that leads away from the far side of the shift registers. The source driver, U1 in the schematic and used to select rows in the 5x7 LED matrix displays is the MIC5891. The sink drivers, U2 and U3 in the schematic, used to select columns, are two A6821's.

So in the new design the three driver chips and the MCU are daisy chained: Serial Data Out connects to Serial Data in, one chip after another with common clock and strobe lines. From the point of view of the MCU this forms a single shift register that is 24 bits wide. The first two bytes shifted out become the column selectors and the final byte becomes the row selectors. The idea is for the MCU to clock out three bytes, hit the strobe and then repeat. This basic scheme uses a mere three pins to reset the state of all row and all column selectors and is why the ATtiny45 will work.

Of course, this is just the design. I have the circuit fully breadboarded up and can see the clock, data and strobe lines popping away at the first chip in the daisy chain, but nothing is coming out of the other side of the shift register on its Serial Data Out line. Most likely this mean that something is wrong with the clocked data that the MCU is emitting and thus the first chip isn't properly receiving the data in the first place. I only own voltmeters so it is hard to tell what is wrong with the signal. I've ordered a cheap O-scope/Logic Analyzer from Hobby Lab that should help me out. It should present me with timing diagrams of the signals on clock, data and strobe lines that I can then compare to the example timings in the data sheets for the chips. Hopefully there will be something I can do to correct the signal. My concern is that since I'm using the Bascom Shiftout command, that the only solution will be to shift to C for greater control of the timing. Maybe it won't suck too bad if I really do have to port the code though.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Chibotica Fall 2006

Chibotica went pretty well. The turn-out was lower than I had hoped for. To my knowledge we only got one person from iHobby Expo. Still, I'm convinced the the Outreach program is the right thing to do. If I can convince the member to have our next fall contest at iHobby Expo, I think we will be quite well attended.

But again the show itself was very fun. The Mini-Sumo especially was dramatic. Its great that Mel's grand-daughter won it. I wish I could have given her a medal as reward. But oh well.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Digitial Medal Super Funness!

Well, I'm still working on the damn digital Medal. I have one fully working. It looks great actually. (I'd post a pic but I can't find my camera) But of course, we are going to change the design. The board is just not stable. I had one that worked great after construction but then it failed a couple of days later. It improved a lot with a alcohol bath. So at least part of my problem is just dust and debris. I need to buy flux cleaner so I can clean these boards too.

However, my ability to experiment further is limited because I have no good boards left. Basically i can try to repair one malfunctioning board. I will do that, but it won't bring me the confidence that I truly know what is going on with the boards. I am NOT going to order more boards. At $95/five they are just too expensive.

Anyway, another problem with the board is that it is expensive. The massive number of pins required on the MCU means that a ATmega32 is required. However, the MCU can't drive the LED matrix directly so driver chips are required. Some of the members rounded up some driver chips that take a serial input and can be cascaded. This means that the MCU now only needs three pins instead of 22. So we can go from an ATmega32 to an ATtiny45. Its a pretty big savings.